Welcome To My Donation Page

Yisroel Feldstein

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  • Arthur Feldshteyn
  • Aleksandr Rodionov
  • Aleksandr Feldman
  • Sarah Katzin
  • Kirill Zadov
  • Zev Tolchinsky
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Felix Shraga
  • Lazar Rozenblat
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There I am at the most recent Sinai graduation

If you're here, then you probably know that Sinai is very close to my heart.

And yes I am in that picture above. Sometimes I am the general studies principal at Sinai, sometimes a teacher, and occasionally, the photographer. 

When you support Sinai, you're supporting growth at every level of a human being. You're suporting spiritual growth, character development, intellectual nurturing, academic progress, emotional evolution etc etc. I can't think of any place better than Sinai to invest your giving. At Sinai, every person involved gives more than their 100 percent into it, ensuring that your charity dollars are as productive as they can possibly be. 

Please help me reach my goal by contributing to Sinai's upcoming virtual Auction. It is as easy as clicking the Donate button on the top right of the screen.

Thank you and Tizku L'Mitzvos!
